Organic Wines
Organic wines are produced from vineyards where the grapes are grown without the use of synthetic chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilisers. Organic vineyards prioritise the natural environment, the health of the soil and the surrounding flora and fauna.
Only wines that have attained full organic certification are listed here. To achieve certified organic status the vineyard must follow strict organic practices for 3 years and once certified the winery is audited annually to ensure compliance with international organic standards.
Biodynamic vineyards follow the same standard practices as organic growers, with a deeper focus on understanding and managing the vineyard as a holistic organism. Biodynamic methods include the use of special plant, animal and mineral preparations. The rhythmic influences of the sun, moon, planets and stars are recognised and worked with where possible.
There are 4 authorised organic certifiers in New Zealand - Biogrow, AsureQuality, Demeter (Biodynamically grown) and Organic Farm New Zealand. Look for these logos on wine labels: