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About is the international online store of The Winery. The Winery is a specialist New Zealand wine experience with stores located at the gateway to the Central Otago wine region in both Queenstown and Arrowtown, New Zealand. specialises in delivering the New Zealand wines we sell to our customers around the world.

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Hawkshead Vineyard

Dreaming of a happy retirement, HON Denis Marshall retired from government and purchased land in Gibbston, Central Otago in 1995 to manage his own vines. The first vines were planted in 2001. His partner, Ulrike Marshall, has a keen eye for art and design, and a wealth of culinary experience, and so they compliment each other well.

The beautiful birdlife sketches on their bottles are illustrations from Denis’ descendant, William Swainson, a naturalist who settled in New Zealand in 1841. Despite the trials and tribulations that followed Swainson’s arrival in New Zealand, he remained passionate about the astounding natural world around him, and this is something that Denis and Ulrike very clearly take to heart with their wines. Their viticultural work is meticulous and uncompromising, and organic practices are closely followed.

They produce stunning examples of Riesling, Pinot Gris and Pinot Noir.

At you can buy the wines from Hawkshead winery for delivery around the world to Australia, USA, UK, Europe, Hong Kong, Singapore, South Korea, Japan and China.

If you are looking to buy Hawkshead wines for delivery in New Zealand, we encourage you to shop at